Robert Baratheon by Magali Villeneuve
Ser Barristan Selmy by Mike Capprotti
Lord Varys by Cassandre Bolan
Lord Baelish by Josu Hernaiz
Grand Maester Pycelle by Joshua Cairos
Tyrion Lannister by Jake Murray
Bronn by Romain Leguay
Tyrion in the Sky Cells by Michael Komarck
Tyrion Lannister's champion Bronn duels Ser Vardis Egen in front of the statue of Alyssa Arryn in a Trial by Combat by Marc Simonetti
Tywin Lannister by Magali Villeneuve
Daenerys Targaryen holding a dragon egg by Kathryn Steele
Jeor Mormont by Antonio José Manzanedo from Fantasy Flight Games
Eddard Stark by John Picacio
Ned Stark by Mike S. Miller
Ned Stark by Jake Murray
Ned by Joshua Cairós from Fantasy Flight Games
Lord Eddard Stark reading The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms discovers the truth behind the parentage of King Robert I Baratheon's children by Tiziano Baracchi
Robb Stark by artist Magali Villeneuve
Bran climbing by Marc Simonetti
Bran Stark and Summer by Smirtouille
Arya Stark by John Picacio
Sansa and Lady by Carrie Best
Joffrey Baratheon by Magali Villeneuve
Ned's execution by Magali Villeneuve
Jaime and Aerys by Michael Komarck
Ser Jaime Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne by Michael Komarck
Jaime Lannister by John Matson
Jaime Lannister by Jason Engle
Jaime Lannister by Michael Komarck
Jaime Lannister by Magali Villeneuve
Cersei Lannister by Magali Villeneuve
Jaime and Cersei Lannister by Magali Villeneuve
Sansa and Cersei by Magali Villeneuve
Arya Stark by Magali Villeneuve
The Hound, Prince Joffrey, Ser Rodrik Cassel, Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy by Magali Villeneuve
Pycelle, Robert, Renly, Cersei and Ned by Magali Villeneuve
Daenerys and Drogo by Magali Villeneuve
Daenerys mother of Dragons by Michael Komarck