sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2020

ASOIaF Before 298 AC

1 AC
In the Starry Sept, His High Holiness himself anointed Aegon with the seven oils, placed a crown upon his head and proclaimed him Aegon of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.
Art by Michael Komarck

Aegon the Conqueror, Visenya and Rhaenys.
Art by Raymond Waskita

Aegon the Conqueror.
Art by Magali Villeneuve

Aegon I and Balerion.
Art by Michael Komarck

13 AC
King Aegon I Targaryen reads a letter from Prince Nymor Martell which he clenches so hard his hands start to bleed.
Art by Michael Komarck

Entre 37 AC - 42 AC
King Aenys I upon the Iron Throne.
Art by Magali Villeneuve

48 AC
King Maegor was found dead on the Iron Throne.
Art by Michael Komarck

56 AC
A young King Jaehaerys and a pregnant Queen Alysanne, with their son Prince Aemon.
Art by Magali Villeneuve

113 AC
Princess Rhaenyra at the age of sixteen.
Art by Magali Villeneuve

Forrest Frey
Art by Magali Villeneuve

137 AC
A young Prince Viserys and Larra Rogare holding the toddler Prince Aegon, 
Art by Magali Villeneuve

Aegon IV lovers.
Art by Magali Villeneuve

153 AC
Nephew of Aegon II and son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Known as Aegon the Younger and later Aegon the Dragonbane, for he was unable to prevent the death of the last dragon and all that is left behind are several eggs which the Targaryens fail to hatch.
Art by Roman Papsuev (Amok)

Lord Tytos Lannister and his heir Tywin
Art by Magali Villeneuve

272 AC
Tygett, Gerion, Emmon Frey, Genna, Cersei, Joanna, Jaime, Tywin, Kevan and  Dorna Swyft.
Art by NaomiMakesArt

Jaime, Tywin, Cersei and Tyrion
Art by Raymond Waskita

Cersei and Jaime.
Art by Raymond Waskita

Hoster Tully gives his daughter Lysa moon tea.
Art by Juliana Pinho Jubah

Rhaegar Targaryen
Art by Alexander Borodin (lensar)

Lyanna Stark
Art by dreambeing

281 AC
Harrenhal Tourney
Art by Raymond Waskita

Harrenhal Tourney
Art by Paolo Puggioni

Brandon Stark, the wild wolf.
Art by Mike Hallstein

Lord Rickard Stark
Art by Mike Hallstein

282 AC
His long yellow fingernails, tangled beard, and ropes of unwashed, matted hair made the extent of the king's madness plain to all. Nor was his behavior that of a sane man, for Aerys could go from mirth to melancholy in the blink of an eye, and many of the accounts written of Harrenhal speak of his hysterical laughter, long silences, bouts of weeping, and sudden rages.
Art by SharksDen

283 AC
Battle of the Trident.
Art by Ogizmi

Jaime kingslaying Aerys II Targaryen
Art by Raymond Waskita

Robert and Ned
Art by pojypojy

283 AC
The fight at the tower of joy.
Art by Joshua Cairós

283 AC
Lyanna and Eddard
Art by Roman Papsuev (Amok)

Jon Arryn, Hand of the King and the King Robert Baratheon.

Greyjoy family before the Greyjoy's Rebellion.
Art by Raymond Waskita

Daenerys and Viserys with Ser Willem Darry.
Art by Raymond Waskita

Tyrell Family
Art by Raymond Waskita
Stark Family
Art by Raymond Waskita

Lord Jon Arryn studying Grand Maester Malleon's book.
Art by Allen Douglas

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